Friday, May 20, 2011

Summer Break is Here!

Graduation was awesome! The epitome of the culmination of all their hard work and sacrifice is all wrapped up in about an hour and a half. As I watch each student walk across the stage I remember, like short flashbacks, short instances of interaction with just about all of them, whether from class, lab, Phi Theta Kappa, or just passing them in the hallways or student lounges. It is truly amazing to watch someone who has made it to the end of a rainbow only to hop on another one.

Because we are in a small rural town, the Great Recession has really hit us hard and really most students will have to move away in order to find some sort of work. It makes me worry for this small community.

On another note, lately I've been going through one of my I really wish I had my PhD spells. When I achieved my masters degree in 1994 I decided then I wanted my PhD. Well it is now almost 17 years later and I still have not gotten the chance to pursue it. I am beginning to think my chances at this dream are now dwindling. But you know, I do love teaching! I've heard that when you become a PhD, you begin doing more research than teaching, but I do love research too.

Speaking of research, there is a research project I'm dying to do. I first need to understand econometrics and find some mentor....surely I can do this without the PhD credentials!

Right now I need to concentrate on getting my classes as automated and effective as possible. I realize that our students traditionally have different backgrounds than those going to universities because our students quite frequently have not attended school in a while due to being in the work force or what have you. So quite often we are put in a position of teaching not only course material, but also foundation skills that younger students have just recently learned. In addition many of our students have family responsibilities that preclude spending extra time on their studies. However there has got to be a way to awaken that part of knowledge quicker, maybe not by worker longer, but by working smarter. Hmmmm, I think I'll work on that this summer. You know what? I can do this and I will!