Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Teaching Distance Education

Okay, I surrender!  Although I LOVE to teach accounting face-to-face with eager accounting students (or they want me to believe they are eager, I know otherwise, I just don't let them know they're not fooling me), the way times are headed, it turns out I've got to learn, nay, embrace teaching accounting online. 

I've taught a few accounting courses online already, usually with disastrous results.  However, I have only included word, excel, and pdf files, which are boring, boring, and boring.  So, I am now following along with my Charlotte, NC neighbors in Learning 2.0 - 23 things, and hopefully I will create some sort of collaborative learning environment where my students can not just learn, but ABSORB the exciting, challenging, and often beautiful world of debits and credits. 

You, my dear blog, is the first step in this glorious journey.  What is the next step?  Only time will tell.

I leave you with a mysterious, ancient accounting blessing......

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